Clean & Clear® Indonesia announced their latest movement, “Cerita Indonesia Kita” through a media briefing in Jakarta and Surabaya as a continuation of its commitment and inspiring #ForEveryFace movement that aimed for empowering Indonesian teen girls to embrace and understand diversity so that they can truly appreciate themselves for who they are and not afraid of being different or unique. This way, they can live their life at the fullest and reach their maximum potential.
As one of its efforts to cultivate the value of tolerance to Indonesian teen girls, Clean & Clear® also conducted a School Visit activity at SMKN 32, Tebet, Jakarta and held a workshop in cooperation with SabangMerauke.
As a continuation of its ‘Cerita Indonesia Kita’ movement, Clean & Clear® Indonesia invited selected media to come along with the first winners of its first ‘Tebak Aku Dimana’ competition. The trip brought the selected media and the winners from various regions in Indonesia to Yogyakarta to experience differences as well as learn the history and the culture of the city whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery. The aim for the trip was to encourage teens in Indonesia to embrace diversity and showcase the beauty of diversity throughout the trip, therefore they can learn to appreciate themselves and be confident in their own skin regardless of their background or skin color and condition.
The movement received tremendous support, with more than 65 news coverage and media value of more than IDR 3,500,000,000.