The solar solutions market has promising Business-to-Business and Business-to-Government opportunities. To emphasize its value, Panasonic enlisted Golin to cast its line in deep – choosing to integrate its sustainable energy products in off-the-grid island communities across Southeast Asia.
Golin set out to increase Panasonic’s recognition and legitimize its value in the solar solutions market to increase B2B and B2G consideration and demand. The opportunity: A total solar eclipse, only visible from a 125 km stretch in South East Asia.
The team organized a livestream across several platforms from an off-grid location in Ternate Island, Indonesia using only solar energy to drive production. Each process, from filming to editing and live broadcasting was powered by the Panasonic Power Supply Container – a stand-alone solar power source.
Stream results showed that seven million people from 134 countries watched Panasonic Eclipse Live, while over 1,000 media stories mentioned Panasonic Power Supply Container. Top global media including CNN, BBC and Reuters TV also carried video assets. Furthermore, the Panasonic Power Supply Container now provides electricity to multiple villages in Indonesia. In Southeast Asia, NGOs are considering using Panasonic’s technology to sustainably power off-grid schools, while several banks are envisioning a greener future for their ATMs.