Expert Insights

Multicultural Communities Continue to be Disproportionately Impacted Amid the Pandemic

Tuesday, June 2 Update

Media continue to report diverse communities remain disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

As the cadence and news cycle around COVID-19 has changed, we will no longer be producing weekly reports. Instead, as studies and larger reports are published detailing the impact of COVID-19 on specific minority communities, we will publish timely articles around them.

For the week ended May 29, we reviewed content that reported:

  • Majority of testing sites in Texas are in predominately White areas
  • Results from a study analyzing the hospitalization and mortality among African American and White patients in New Orleans
  • A continued increase in hate incidents against Asian-Americans

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more.

In Large Texas Cities, Access To Coronavirus Testing May Depend On Where You Live
Published By: NPR
Date: May 27, 2020
Summary: An NPR investigation found locations of COVID-19 public testing sites in Texas were unevenly distributed between predominantly White and predominantly minority areas. In fact, in four out of six of the largest cities in Texas, testing sites are disproportionately located in White neighborhoods. Due to this, Hispanics in Austin are calling for a culturally relevant COVID-19 response plan.

Hospitalization and Mortality among Black Patients and White Patients with Covid-19
Published By: New England Journal of Medicine
Date: May 27, 2020
Summary: The study, from New Orleans, reveals that a disproportionate number of COVID-19 hospital patients were African American. From the study conclusion: “In a large cohort in Louisiana, 76.9% of the patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 and 70.6% of those who died were black, whereas blacks comprise only 31% of the Ochsner Health population. Black race was not associated with higher in-hospital mortality than white race, after adjustment for differences in sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on admission.”

The study also points to racial differences in the frequency of COVID-19 due to underlying racial differences in the types of jobs that may have an increased risk of community exposure (e.g. service occupations) and the prevalence of chronic conditions that appear to increase the risk of severe illness.

Coronavirus: What attacks on Asians reveal about American identity
Published By: BBC
Date: May 27, 2020
Summary: Hate incidents against people of Asian descent have increased during the pandemic – a reporting center run by advocacy groups and San Francisco State University says it received more than 1,700 reports of coronavirus-related discrimination from at least 45 states since March.

Few U.S. adults say they’ve been diagnosed with coronavirus, but more than a quarter know someone who has
Published By: Pew Research Center
Date: May 26, 2020
Summary: A survey conducted by Pew Research Center shows that some groups are more likely than others to report experiences with COVID-19. From the report:

  • Black adults are the most likely to personally know someone who has been hospitalized or died as a result of the disease
  • One-third of Black Americans (34%) know someone who has been hospitalized or died, compared with 19% of Hispanics and 18% of White adults.
  • Black Americans (32%) are also slightly more likely than Hispanic adults (26%) to know someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Taken together, nearly four-in-ten Americans (38%) are either currently working in a job that requires contact with others, living in a household with others whose jobs require contact, or both.
  • Hispanics (at 48%) are more likely than either Blacks (38%) or Whites (35%) to have this type of personal or household exposure.

Tuesday, May 26 Update

Media continue to report diverse communities remain disproportionately affected by the pandemic, with continued increased infection rates in the African American and Latino communities and now, the Navajo Nation.

Each week, Golin will provide a synopsis of coverage demonstrating the impact COVID-19 has on minority communities.

For the week ended May 22, Golin reviewed content that reported:

  • African Americans are three times more likely to die from COVID-19 than Caucasians
  • Results from the first poll that details how African Americans are responding to the pandemic
  • While one in four Latinos knows someone with COVID-19, majority of Latinos do not trust in the federal response to the pandemic
  • First generation and low-income college students might be more negatively impacted by the pandemic

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more.

Black Americans dying of Covid-19 at three times the rate of white people
Published By: The Guardian
Date: May 20, 2020
Summary: A recent study published by APM Research Lab has revealed Black Americans are three times more likely to die from COVID-19 than White Americans. In some areas of the country, the disparity was higher – with Black Americans dying at six to seven times the rate of Whites. Evidence shows the divide is partly due to Black Americans having limited access to diagnostic testing and treatment for the disease.

COVID-19 impact on Latinos and views toward HEROES Act
Published By: Latino Decisions
Date: May 20, 2020
Summary: Latino Decisions reports results from a new poll conducted on behalf of SOMOS, UnidosUS and MoveOn. Results include:

  • One in four Latinos know somebody who has been infected with COVID-19. Out of those Latinos, one in three know somebody who died from the virus;
  • 27% of Latinos report they know someone who wants a test, but has been unable to get tested;
  • 80% of Latinos want the HEROES Act to protect immigrant families and ensure loans for small-owned businesses;
  • 60% of Latinos have experienced either a job loss or hours/pay cut; and
  • 41% of Latinos are having a hard time paying basic monthly expenses like rent, mortgage and bills

The COVID-19 pandemic affects all college students, but probably not equally
Published By: Phys Org
Date: May 19, 2020
Summary: With college campuses closing and distance learning taking over, many students are facing at-home challenges. First-generation and low-income students might experience limited housing options and limited access to high-speed internet for classes. Students with diverse ethnic backgrounds might have trouble with boundaries in multigenerational homes.

New Poll Reveals COVID-19’s Impacts On African American Communities
Published By: NAACP
Date: May 19, 2020
Summary: The NAACP in partnership with the African American Research Collaborative and the Equity Research and Innovation Center at Yale School of Medicine shared results from a poll that “deep dives” into how African Americans are responding to the pandemic. From the report:

  • 80% of those polled preferred to hold off on ending the shutdown to assure their safety ahead of boosting the economy;
  • 64% of African Americans agree they are less likely than Whites to be offered Coronavirus/COVID-19 testing and 60% agree they are less likely than Whites to have everything done to save their lives in the hospital;
  • 80% of African Americans think that President Trump has done a poor job of responding to the Coronavirus pandemic, with 59% saying the same about the federal government;
  • 66% believe that race is a factor in police treatment related to re-open protestors; and
  • 58% do not trust police to fairly and equally enforce rules about social distancing.

Asian Americans Are Dealing With a Wave of Bigotry and Assaults Because of Coronavirus
Published By: Vice News
Date: May 19, 2020
Summary: Discrimination against Asian Americans continues after leaders have referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus”. One organization, the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council launched an initiative to help track discrimination and hate crimes during the pandemic.

Navajo Nation surpasses New York state for the highest Covid-19 infection rate in the US
Published By: CNN News
Date: May 18, 2020
Summary: The Navajo Nation has 2,304 cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, surpassing New York and New Jersey for the highest per-capita coronavirus infection rate in the U.S. The increased spread is partly due to multigenerational homes, making it harder to social distance. Additionally, there is a lack of running water for handwashing and the lack of grocery stores, which leads people to crowd stores for supplies. The nation is expecting cases to peak in mid-May once more testing becomes available.

Monday, May 18 Update

Media continue to report diverse communities continue to be disproportionately affected by the pandemic, with the highest and rising rates of infection and deaths among the African American and Latino communities.

Each week, Golin will provide a synopsis of coverage demonstrating the impact COVID-19 has on minority communities.

For the week ended May 15, Golin reviewed content that reported:

  • More cities and states show disproportionate infection and death rates among African Americans and Latinos
  • How Americans with disabilities aren’t getting the services they need
  • How the pandemic might affect LBGTQ+ inclusion in the Census
  • Latino prosperity is under threat as they’ve been the ethnic group most affected by job loss
  • The gap in remote education availability between public and private school

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more. Look here each Monday for ongoing updates.

Latino community hardest hit by coronavirus in Clark County

Published By: Las Vegas Review Journal
Date: May 14, 2020
Summary: In Las Vegas, Latinos have been the ethnic group most impacted by COVID-19, as twenty-seven percent (1,374) of the 5,000+ confirmed COVID-19 cases in Clark County are in the Latino community. This is an increase from April, when Latinos only accounted for less than a quarter of cases. Health and elected officials say socio-economic and cultural factors make Latinos more susceptible – as many lack access to health care, work in jobs that require public interaction, are part of a tight-knit community, and many live in multi-generational households.

Additional articles on the continued disproportionate increase of COVID-19 cases in multiple cities/states: Baltimore, Northern Virginia, Sonoma County, North Carolina, New York City.


Pandemic means Americans with disabilities aren’t getting the services they need

Published By: PBS
Date: May 11, 2020
Summary: There are more than 60 million Americans with disabilities, many of them living in long-term care facilities which are at a greater risk for COVID-19 deaths. Americans with disabilities are also two times more likely to live in poverty, and legislation has not helped them. In this segment, Rebecca Cokley of the Center for American Progress talks about the community’s concerns, including the challenges brought by social distancing and the loss of access to home and community-based services that used to send caregivers to homes. People who depended on these services before are worried about being forced to be institutionalized or put in a nursing home against their will.

Added to the above concerns is the fact that according to the Center for Public Integrity, at least 25 states have “enacted policies that could mean that people with disabilities could fall to the back of the line if there is an overwhelming need, for example, for ventilators or other health care supports.”

Majority Black Counties See Triple the Covid Death Rate

Published By: 
Date: May 11, 2020
Summary: As COVID-19 cases rapidly increase America, data trickling out of cities and states have shown disproportionate death rates among African Americans at an alarming death rate at 2.6 times higher than of White Americans. Counties housing predominately Black residents are also seeing the highest death rates. In places where African Americans exceed 13.4% of the population, the proportion they make up of the U.S., the death rate is roughly double the national average.

Advocates were mobilizing LGBTQ people everywhere for the 2020 census. Then the coronavirus pandemic erupted

Published By: 
USA Today
Date: May 10, 2020
Summary: Fighting to get LBGTQ+ inclusion included on this year’s Census report has been ten years in the making. Families who identify as an LGBTQ household were finally granted inclusion on the Census reporting document, but due to the coronavirus outbreak, experts fear these families, among other minority groups, won’t be counted due to the halt of door to door campaigning.

Why A Historic Wave Of Latino Prosperity Is Under Threat Now

Published By: NPR
Date: May 10, 2020
Summary: A few months ago, Latino wages were rising, and unemployment hit a record how. Now, while unemployment in the U.S. is at 14.7%, “the latest U.S. jobs report shows that Latinos are the worst hit, with a record jobless rate of 18.9%, higher than any other ethnic group.” This is due to millions of jobs disappearing, especially bigger business that typically employ large numbers of Latinos like hotels, restaurants, bars and building services, and businesses that provide domestic workers.


The Class Dive: Remote Learning at 2 Schools, Private and Public

Published By: 
The New York Times
Date: May 10, 2020
Summary: With schools closing due to shelter in place orders nationwide, remote learning has furthered the widening gap between private and public-school students. On average, private schools remote learning programs were up and online by mid-March with only 10% of children nationwide attending private schools and on average costs $28,000 a year. Public schools however have seen a slower rollout of distant learning due student body and less funding and availability to resources.

Monday, May 11 Update

Surveys and media continue to report diverse communities remain disproportionately affected by the pandemic. This insight was confirmed by one of the first published studies by scientists and researchers around COVID-19 and race.

Each week, Golin will provide a synopsis of coverage demonstrating the impact COVID-19 has on minority communities.

For the week ended May 8, Golin reviewed an array of content that reported:

  • How states reopening for business puts African Americans at risk, and not just medically; Black Americans in multiple U.S. cities report experiencing increased racial profiling as face masks become recommended and even required in many states.
  • Survey and poll results that showed the financial and health impact of the pandemic on Latinos and African Americans
  • Discrimination feared among people with disabilities amid the pandemic
  • Native American tribes already struggling with inadequate federal resources are now among the most vulnerable and hardest hit by the virus
  • While Latinos have launched more small businesses than any other group, they are still awaiting government relief and have reported significant negative impact on their business

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more. Look here each Monday for ongoing updates.

April jobs report shows pandemic is having a devastating toll on Latino workers

Date: May 8, 2020
Published By: UnidosUS
Summary: Job loss due to the pandemic continues to rise and Latinos are greatly feeling the impact because of the types of jobs the community has. The Latino unemployment rate more than tripled in April, rising from 6% to 18.9% (compared to 14.7% for the nation as a whole) according to the report by UnidosUS. In the last month, 61% of Latino households lost income across the workforce sectors of agriculture, food manufacturing, medical assistants, grocery store workers, waste management, transportation and utilities, frontline protective services, and pharmacy and drug store workers.


For Latinos and Covid-19, Doctors are Seeing an ‘Alarming’ Disparity

Date: May 7, 2020
Published By: The New York Times
Summary: While some states’ data may indicate that Latinos have been dying from COVID-19 at lower reported rates overall than other groups, that data does not consider that the Latino population is significantly younger than other groups. Though there have been fewer young deaths, the virus lethality grows the older the patients get. For example, in California where Latinos are 39% of the population, Latinos account for almost half of all COVID-19 cases but only 35% of deaths, close to the death rate for Whites. However, when looking into age groups, Latinos in every age group over 17 were dying at a significantly higher rate than Whites.

It is important to note, not all Latinos share the same experience. “The disparities are bigger in states like Oregon, Washington and Utah that have newer and less-established Latino communities, compared with states like California, Arizona and New Mexico. In some states, including Arizona and Texas, state data show Latinos are getting sick at rates close to their share of population. In New Mexico, Latinos, who make up half the population and have a long history in the state, have about the same number of cases relative to their population as whites.”


Face mask fears: Some black men say wearing a mask makes them profiling targets

Date: May 6, 2020
Aired On: CBS This Morning
Summary:  Black Americans in multiple U.S. cities report experiencing increased racial profiling incidents by police and grocery workers as face masks become recommended and even required in many states.

Illinois State Representative Kam Buckner posted a series of tweets about an incident involving a Chicago police officer who approached and questioned him as he left his local grocery store. When Rep. Buckner inquired into reason for the stop, the officer told him he “looked like he was up to something.” Similar incidents have been reported in Dayton, Ohio; Kansas City, Mo. and Pittsburgh, Pa.

Senate Democrats demand action from CDC, DOJ to curb COVID-19 racism

May 6,2020
Published By: NBC News
Summary: A group of Senate Democrats has asked the CDC and Department of Justice to develop and publicly release a plan to address coronavirus-related acts of racism toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. During the SARS outbreak and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, these two groups took proactive actions to mitigate bias and hate crimes yet have not stepped in during the pandemic.


AP-NORC poll: Pandemic especially tough on people of color

Date: May 6, 2020
Published By: Associated Press
Summary: A poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that as a result of the outbreak:

  • 61% of Hispanic Americans say they’ve experienced household income loss, compared to 46% of Americans overall
  • 37% of Latinos and 27% of African Americans say they’ve been unable to pay at least one type of bill compared to 17% of white Americans
  • 21% of Hispanics have been unable to make a rent or mortgage payment as a result of the outbreak; 23% unable to pay a credit card bill. This is compared to 8% of white Americans in both cases

Hispanic Caucus urges more coronavirus care for older, vulnerable Latinos in U.S., Puerto Rico

May 6, 2020
Published By: NBC News
Summary: Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are urging that Medicare Advantage recipients be covered for COVID-19 treatment. This would impact 22 million in the U.S. and 600,000 in Puerto Rico, most of whom are senior citizens and individuals living with disabilities. More specifically, Medicare Advantage plans enroll 55% of Hispanics and 39% of African Americans.


Coronavirus and human rights: New UN report calls for disability-inclusive recovery

Date: May 6, 2020
Published By: UN News
Summary: For the world’s one billion people living with disabilities, these unprecedented times have only magnified the inequalities of access to education, healthcare and income opportunities that are experienced by this group. In response, the UN launched a report with a call for a disability-inclusive recovery and response to the COVID-19 crisis. It is important to have an inclusive and accessible society. Further, this segment of the population can provide meaningful contributions offering insight into thriving in situations of isolation and alternate working arrangements which they may be familiar with.

Hispanics are almost twice as likely as whites to have lost their jobs amid pandemic, poll finds

May 6, 2020
Published By: The Washington Post
Summary: A Washington Post – Ipsos poll confirmed what many reports have said – the pandemic is taking a disproportionate toll on some racial and ethnic groups. The poll found that in terms of who is being laid off or furloughed,

  • 20% are Hispanic adults
  • 16% are black adults
  • 11% are white adults
  • 12% are workers of other races

This picture is expected to be even more dire when the Department of Labor releases its first jobs report covering a month of shutdowns. Age and education are also factors of those impacted and Hispanic men seem to be the most affected (22% say they have been laid off or furloughed).

Coronavirus pandemic strains LGBTQ health clinics

May 5,2020
Published By: NBC News
Summary: Amid the pandemic, many of the over 200 LGBTQ health clinics across the US providing affirming and competent care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer patients are struggling. Centers have had to pivot to virtual health care, cut services and find solutions for plummeting revenue among other measures. For a population that may not feel comfortable seeking care at other clinics, these are lifeline for health care.


Financial and health impacts of COVID-19 vary widely by race and ethnicity

Date: May 5, 2020
Published By: Pew Research Center
Summary: A recent follow-up survey conducted by Pew Research Center reinforces that the effect of the pandemic on Hispanic Americans and African Americans has increased since March, especially from a financial perspective. From the report:

  • Some 61% of Hispanic Americans and 44% of African Americans said that they or someone in their household had experienced a job or wage loss due to the coronavirus outbreak, compared with 38% of white adults.
  • Nearly three-quarters of African American (73%) and Hispanic adults (70%) said they did not have emergency funds to cover three months of expenses; around half of white adults (47%) said the same.
  • African American (48%) and Hispanic adults (44%) were more likely than white adults (26%) to say they “cannot pay some bills or can only make partial payments on some of them this month.”
  • About one-in-four black adults (27%) said they personally knew someone who had been hospitalized or died as a result of having COVID-19, roughly double the shares who said this among Hispanic or white adults (13% each).


For immigrants without legal status, federal coronavirus relief is out of reach

Date: May 5, 2020
Published By: Vox
Summary:  Unauthorized immigrants make up nearly 25% of farmworkers and 8% of service sector and production workers – all jobs deemed essential during the pandemic. However, their undocumented status renders these essential workers ineligible for most government aid programs including stimulus checks and often unemployment benefits (varies by state).

To add to the challenge, many unauthorized immigrants have little to no financial safety net. Those who have been laid off or furloughed are now turning to the gig economy to replace lost income.

Lastly, noncitizens comprise a significant swath of the uninsured population in the U.S. Therefore, essential immigrant workers are less likely to seek out medical advice if/when experiencing COVID-19 symptoms due to fear of cost.

Univision’s Uforia to Launch Uforia Hangout Sessions Presented by Verizon to Support Small Businesses

Date: May 5, 2020
Published By: Univision
Summary: Univision’s Uforia has launched a digital livestream series bringing at-home interactive experiences and performances with Latin music artists. The unfiltered and intimate livestreams will include J Balvin and Nicky Jam among others. Uforia Hangout Sessions supports Verizon’s Pay It Forward Live, a weekly streaming entertainment series in support of small businesses impacted by COVID-19.

Openings may put black workers at disproportionate COVID-19 risk

Date: May 5, 2020
Published By: The Hill
Summary: African Americans have been hit disproportionately hard by COVID-19 and this trend will continue as states begin to reopen for business. In addition to enduring economic inequality and prevalent health conditions that put people at greater risk:

  • Nearly 25% of black Americans work in service industry and 16 percent work in transportation, production and delivery – jobs requiring the most person-to-person contact
  • Service industry jobs are often low paying without health benefits; forcing workers to choose between protecting their livelihoods or protecting their health

How Latino small business owners are keeping their businesses running during coronavirus

Date: May 3, 2020
Published By: CNBC
Summary: Latinos have launched more small businesses than any other demographic in the last 10 years and contribute nearly $500 billion to the economy in annual sales. During the pandemic, owners have had to adapt and find ways to keep their businesses afloat while they wait for government relief.

From the article: “According to a survey conducted online in late March by the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative, 86% of Latino small business owners reported significant negative impact on their businesses by the pandemic. Nearly two-thirds said they will not be able to continue operating beyond six months if current conditions continue.”


People With Disabilities Fear Discrimination In Coronavirus Response

Date: May 3, 2020
Published By: NPR
Summary: Attorney and disability rights advocate Haben Girma tells NPR the fears disabled people have during the pandemic. Among concerns are that they will not receive the communication access needed in a hospital visit. For example, some use tactile sign language, where others might do close-up signing using limited vision. People are worried that others might not comply with civil rights laws. For example, in Haben’s case, a grocery store told customers that service dogs were no longer allowed; however, the Americans with Disabilities Act still exists and the public and businesses still must follow it.

Assessing Differential Impacts of COVID-19 on Black Communities

Date: May 2, 2020
Published By: AmFar, the Foundation for AIDS Research
Summary: This academic study is the first to capture the effect of COVID-19 on African Americans in the U.S. A collaborative effort between six organizations and universities, scientists and researchers found that in small metropolitan and rural areas across the U.S., there are disproportionately higher COVID-19 deaths in primarily African American counties.

While only one in five counties nationally is disproportionately African American and represent 35% of the U.S. population, researchers found that “these counties accounted for nearly half of COVID-19 cases and 58% of COVID-19 deaths. Structural factors including health care access, density of households, unemployment, pervasive discrimination and others drive these disparities, not intrinsic characteristics of black communities or individual-level factors.”

Native American Tribes Sue Treasury Over Stimulus Aid as They Feud Over Funding

Date: May 1, 2020
Published by: The New York Times
Summary: The human and economic toll of COVID-19 on the nation’s native and indigenous populations has been devastating. Tribes already struggling with inadequate federal resources are now among the most vulnerable and hardest hit by the virus.

Of the $2.2 trillion provided by the CARES Act, the law mandates $8 billion be provided to tribes. However, due to a dispute over who is entitled to the funds – Native Alaskans vs. tribes in the lower 48 states – the stimulus package is delayed thus prompting the lawsuit. The outcome will dictate how stimulus funds and any future relief are distributed among the 574 federally recognized tribes.

This Doctor’s Bringing Free COVID-19 Testing And Telehealth Services To Underserved Communities

Date: May 1, 2020
Published By: Forbes
Summary: Dr. Nana Afoh-Manin was raised by her mother, an immigrant from Ghana, in Los Angeles. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, black and brown communities across the U.S. are disproportionately impacted, in part because of the lack of healthcare resources. Dr. Afoh-Manin is doing her part, with the launch of MyCovidMD. The service offers virtual health assessments and home wellness visits for those in need of care.

MyCovidMD services are currently available in Culver City, CA and Queens, NY. Testing sites in other cities including Oakland, Detroit and Houston are on the way.

Monday, May 4 Update

For the week ended May 1, Golin reviewed an array of content that indicated: 

  • Americans’ faith increases amid the pandemic  
  • Minority-owned businesses received less aid from the Paycheck Protection Program  
  • Bias against Asian Americans continues to increase  
  • Children with disabilities are significantly affected by schools’ physical closures  
  • Infections and deaths among African Americans and Hispanic Americans are occurring at a disproportionate rate 

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more. 

Few Americans say their house of worship is open, but a quarter say their faith has grown amid pandemic
Published By: Pew Research Center 
Date: April 30, 2020 
Summary: Amid the pandemic, some Americans say their religious faith has strengthened even as most congregations have closed their physical doors. An approximate 82% of U.S. adults who report attending religious services at least monthly say that the place of worship they most often attend is streaming or recording its services to watch online or on TV.  

For U.S. adults who said last year that they attend religious services at least once or twice a month, 46% say their faith has strengthened as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are differences by race and ethnicity, gender and age. Larger shares of black Americans than whites or Hispanics say their faith has grown stronger as a result of the coronavirus outbreak; women and older adults are more likely to say this than men and younger adults.  


‘That was it—silence’: As bailout funds evaporate, minority-owned businesses say they’ve been shut out 
Published By: Fast Company
Date: April 29, 2020
Summary: Minority-owned businesses have been the most affected by the pandemic but have received the least amount of aid from the Paycheck Protection Program, meant to give forgivable loans to small businesses during the crisis.   

From the article: “According to the Center for Responsible Lending’s Ashley Harrington, at least 90% of businesses owned by people of color have been or will likely be shut out of the PPP. About 70% of Latino-owned businesses that filled out a questionnaire from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reported that they had finished their application but had not received any funding.” 


Over 30 percent of Americans have witnessed COVID-19 bias against Asians, poll says 
Published By: NBC News
Date: April 28, 2020
Summary: “More than 30 percent of Americans have witnessed someone blaming Asian people for the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new Ipsos survey conducted for the Center for Public Integrity.”  

The above may be due to a growing tendency to blame groups for the pandemic as well as the influence of some U.S. politicians who have publicly referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus.” From the survey results: “Among the 44% who say a specific group or organization is responsible, most blame China or Chinese people; 66% mentioned China. More specifically, 45% mentioned China or Chinese people generally, 13% say it was caused by a lab in China, and 9% blame the Chinese government.” This correlates with increased instances of harassment against Asian Americans across multiple U.S. cities.  


What are the priorities of the Latino community amid the Coronavirus? (in Spanish)
Published By: Univision 
Date: April 28, 2020  
Summary: Univision reported on a survey conducted by Somos, which asked 1,200 Hispanics in the U.S. about the topics that most concerns them. The results:  

  • 86% fear that hospitals won’t have necessary supplies 
  • 66% fear being unable to meet basic needs for food and medicine  
  • 63% worry about losing their medical insurance  
  • 57% have already had to cancel doctor’s appointments 
  • And, 1 in 5 have lost their employer offered health benefits  

Regarding how the pandemic has affected the community from an economic perspective:  

  • 46% have suffered a pay cut 
  • 43% have problems paying rent or mortgages 
  • 35% have lost their jobs 
  • 33% already used a big chunk of their savings 
  • 29% have had to close their business  


Coronavirus school shutdown has been particularly tough on kids with special needs: ‘It’s not just a disruption. We’re going to see kids who actually go backward.’ 
Published By: Chicago Tribune
Date: April 27, 2020
Summary: The shutdown of schools has created more hardships for families with students who have disabilities – students who were already vulnerable before the pandemic. There has been an inconsistent amount of help from schools toward families with children with disabilities, ranging from providing full support and services, to no communication. Families are worried that kids will regress in education as schools stay closed.  


Younger blacks and Latinos are dying of COVID-19 at higher rates in California 
Published By: Los Angeles Times 
Date: April 25, 2020 
Summary: Of the number of deaths of coronavirus patients aged 18-49 in California, 64.9% were Latino and 15.3% were black. According to California Department of Public Health director and State Health officer Dr. Sonia Angell, among the factors contributing to these numbers are that members of the black and Latino communities make up a larger part of the essential work force.  


African Americans struggle with disproportionate COVID death toll 
Published By: National Geographic
Date: April 24, 2020
Summary: While African Americans represent 13% of the U.S. population, almost one-third of COVID-19 infections in the country have affected African Americans. Nearly one-third of deaths caused by COVID-19 are in the African American community. In some cities, counties and states, those numbers are even higher: 

  • Albany, Georgia: 90% of fatalities have been African American  
  • New Orleans: 81% of fatalities have been African American 
  • Chicago: 56% of fatalities have been African American  
  • Milwaukee: 72% of fatalities have been African American 
  • New Orleans: 57% of fatalities have been African American 

The article expands on the factors that have caused this disproportionate toll on the African American community. Organizations like the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law together with medical professionals demanded that the CDC release daily racial and ethnic data on COVID-19 tests in outcomes. The CDC has not responded. 

Monday, April 27 Update

For the week ended April 24, Golin reviewed an array of content that indicated:

  • Women in general, and minority women in particular are considering quitting work amidst the pandemic
  • African American men fear being profiled in an environment where face masks are becoming the norm.
  • Among small businesses struggling to remain solvent, Chinese restaurants are particularly hard hit
  • The pandemic’s impact on jobs is particularly prevalent among Latinos, with greater percentages of Latinos reporting job losses and reduced hours than others

Below are links to articles related to each of these topics and more.

14% of women considered quitting their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic
Published By: Fortune
Date: April 23, 2020
Summary: As reported by Fortune, a recent survey conducted by an HR analytics company found that more women than men are thinking about leaving the workforce. When looking at multicultural segments, “26% of Hispanic women who responded to the survey said they were considering quitting their jobs, compared to 15% of both black and Asian women and 12% of white women.”

According the Institute for Women’s Policy research, Latinas are more likely to have jobs that have little or no flexibility around scheduling. When faced with a dilemma of not having childcare, Latinas are more likely to quit to take care of their children/families.

COVID-19 poses unique challenges for people with disabilities
Published By: John Hopkins University Hub
Date: April 23, 2020
Summary: Bonnielin Swenor, a professor from Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute and Bloomberg School of Public Health who studies the public health impacts of vision loss and disabilities, shares how COVID-19 is impacting people with disabilities.

The barriers that the community faces in this pandemic include difficulty getting information for people with vision, hearing, and even cognitive disabilities, and adopting recommended public health strategies (I.e. social distancing for people who need assistance or washing hands for people with certain types of disabilities). These are in addition to already existing barriers that are worsened by the pandemic. For example, equitable access to healthcare such as through drive-up testing may be difficult if people rely on state mobility services. Another example is the use of personal protective equipment, which makes communication more difficult with patients with hearing loss. The community is also worried about medical resources, as they have a fear that there might be discrimination against patients with disabilities. “This issue echoes an underlying misconception that people with disabilities can’t have a high quality of life and therefore the lives of disabled people may not be prioritized.”


Coronavirus Impacts Buying Behaviors and Provides Opportunities for Brands
Published By: HispanicAd
Date: April 23, 2020
Summary: A recent survey by 4A’s Research reports how purchasing habits are evolving as customers continue to stay at home. In relation to multicultural audiences, the survey found that 72% of African Americans and 76% of Asians intend to buy brands they know and trust. Brands can nurture and continue building trust with these loyal segments. Newer, smaller and direct-to-consumer brands have an opportunity to gain traction with Hispanics in particular, as 65% of Hispanics intended to buy brands they know and trust.

Coronavirus’ toll on Chinese restaurants is devastating
Published By: CNN
Date: April 21, 2020
Summary: As of April 15, 59% of independent Chinese restaurants across America had completely stopped taking debit and credit card transactions, indicating they have ceased operations. Restaurants across the United States are suffering under the business shutdowns in place because of the pandemic, but Chinese restaurants are by far the worst-hit segment of the industry. Many Chinese restaurants won’t survive the coronavirus pandemic without targeted government intervention, advocates warn. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, 270 restaurants operated in New York’s Chinatown, according to Wellington Chen, executive director of Manhattan’s Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation. Only 40 remain open.


Being prepared for the worst’ is nothing new for immigrants during Covid-19
Published By: The Guardian
Date: April 15, 2020
Summary: Immigrant communities face unique challenges that are only heightened amid a worsening corona virus pandemic in the U.S., especially those contracted in urban environments. Migrants in densely populated areas are often subject to crowded housing and use mass transit, making them more susceptible to infection through exposure to others. Immigrant workers from all over may also not have health insurance, or the option to take paid sick leave. This only compounds the risks of developing severe symptoms or death from coronavirus. Vulnerabilities are magnified when neighbors have to become each other’s eyes and ears from the attacks of fellow community members. Across the country, Asian Americans, immigrants and businesses have reported an increase in public harassment and anti-Chinese discrimination.

COVID-19: Investing in black lives and livelihoods
Published By: McKinsey & Company
Date: April 2020
Black Americans are more likely to be at higher risk for contracting COVID-19, but also have lower access to testing and adequate health facilities. The COVID-19 impact on the black community reflects on the socioeconomic and public health inequities.

Black Americans are almost twice as likely to live in the counties at highest risk of health and economic disruption, if or when the pandemic hits those counties. Further, 39% of all jobs held by the black community —compared with 34% held by white Americans—are now threatened by reductions in hours or pay, temporary furloughs, or permanent layoffs, totaling 7 million jobs.

For Black Men, Fear That Masks Will Invite Racial Profiling
Published By: The New York Times
Date: April 14, 2020
Summary: Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged Americans to wear face masks when they leave their homes, men in the black community have expressed deep concern about this. The mask recommendation could expose them to police harassment and racial profiling.

As many continue embracing the masks, these men have used their social platforms to voice their concerns. It is not yet clear how many profiling incidents have taken place since the CDC’s recommendation, but having to keep this thought in the back of black men’s minds causes a greater emotional tax when COVID-19 is already taking the lives of African-Americans at disproportionately higher rates.

Health Concerns From COVID-19 Much Higher Among Hispanics and Blacks Than Whites
Published by: Pew Research Center
Date: April 14, 2020
Summary: As COVID-19 cases climb in the U.S., Americans express concern over contracting the disease and unknowingly spreading it. This is much more widespread among black and Hispanic adults than white adults.

A Pew Research Center survey found disparities among income levels, multicultural communities and age groups. A third of Americans with lower income are concerned they’ll require hospitalization due to COVID-19 as compared to upper income adults of which 17% are concerned. Unknowingly spreading COVID-19 to others is also a concern, highest among Hispanic adults (49%) as compared to black adults (38%) and white adults (28%). Similarly, Hispanic adults (43%) and black adults (31%) are far more concerned about needing to be hospitalized than white adults (18%). Among age groups, 61% of adults ages 50+ are concerned that they will be hospitalized due to COVID-19.

Amid coronavirus pandemic, black mistrust of medicine looms
Published by: AP News
Date: April 5, 2020
Summary: Black Americans exhibit a general mistrust of public institutions, including health care. There’s a history of failures by the government with response to disasters and emergencies, medical abuse, neglect and exploitation that have caused generational trauma and jaded the community. The conditional mistrust and skepticism are referred to by some at the “Tuskegee effect”. Throughout history, the black community has been used as test subjects as seen in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and the Mississippi Appendectomies. Currently some experience different standards of care due to racism as seen with African American women who are more likely to die during or after delivery than white women.

It’s these moments in history coupled with chronic conditions the black community suffers disproportionately from that contribute to the continued mistrust and for which how COVID-19 efforts are handled presents an opportunity.

Multicultural Consumers Are Streaming Content More Than Ever as Social Distancing Continues
Published By: Nielsen
Date: April 3, 2020
Summary: Consumers are streaming even more content under quarantine, and black adults continue to spend the most time overall with media—21% more time than the average adult.

Streaming consumption has also grown in the Hispanic community most notably with demographic specific content and streaming platforms such as Netflix’s Con Todo and Pluto TV Latino. There’s also increased demand for more diverse Asian American content. From an Oscar-winner (Parasite) to a box office hit (Crazy Rich Asians) success of Asian-centric content points to a future with more streaming content featuring Asian storylines. Not to mention, Asia is Netflix’s fastest growing region.

U.S. Latinos among hardest hit by pay cuts, job losses due to coronavirus
Published By: Pew Research Center
Date: April 3, 2020
Summary: More Latinos (49%) than overall Americans (33%) say that they or someone in their household have experienced a pay cut, lost their job or both due to COVID-19.

An estimated 40% of Hispanics have experienced a pay cut or a reduction in work hours whereas 29% have someone in their household that has been laid off or lost a job. Though at a lower rate, 27% of the wider public has experienced a pay cut or reduction in work hours whereas 20% have someone in their household that has been laid off or lost a job. Hispanics were at a higher risk of job loss to start given that 8 million Hispanic workers were employed in service-sector positions prior to the pandemic.

LGBTQ+ Community Faces Increased Risk Amidst COVID-19 Crisis
Published By: Human Rights Campaign Foundation
Date: March 18, 2020
Summary: LGBTQ+ people are at a higher risk of contracting complications resulting from a COVID-19 infection.

LGBTQ+ individuals use tobacco at rates that are 50% higher than the general population. Given COVID-19 attacks the respiratory system, it is likely that LGBTQ+ people will be at greater risk of experiencing critical symptoms from the virus. Additionally, cancer and HIV rates are higher amongst the LGBTQ+ population, implying that it is more common for LGBTQ+ people to suffer from a compromised immune system. Finally, for fear of discrimination, LGBTQ+ elders are more resistant to seeking medical help when necessary, putting the 2.7MM elderly LGBTQ+ people in the United States at an even greater risk than the general elderly population.

*If you have questions on the resources or are seeking counsel related to reaching a diverse market, please contact Chevonne Nash at [email protected]