Golin Hong Kong Announces In-House Counselor in Support of Health and Wellness Needs

May 26, 2021

Group of woman meditating in a circle in park Group of woman meditating in a circle in park

HONG KONG (MAY 26, 2021) – Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) agency Golin today announced the appointment of an in-house counsellor in support of its team’s health and wellness needs.

Elizabeth Jung,  founder of the Fortitude Partners and ex Goldman Sachs leader, is a highly trained counselling professional specialising in the use of positive psychology and resilience training, and will be available to every Goliner.

She comments: “I am delighted to be working with such a progressive agency as Golin. To  acknowledge and act on a need that is so real in the current environment, particularly in such a fast paced business such as PR, is testament to the value the agency places on their employees.”

Jane Morgan, Managing Director, Golin Hong Kong comments: “The last two years have been tough, both professionally and personally for everyone, whether we are conscious of it or not. We want to make sure that we are listening and responding as needed and this step felt like the right one. It’s early days yet and while we acknowledge we can’t solve every problem, we’re hopeful Elizabeth’s council will make a difference to the working lives of our teams.”

The sessions are booked directly with Elizabeth and are completely confidential.

The announcement follows on from a number of employee initiatives Golin has introduced over recent years including a HK$580 per month health and wellness allowance, unlimited leave, vacation email shut down and free access to meditation app Headspace.

Separately, Jane Morgan, Managing Director Golin Hong Kong, is the Executive Sponsor of the PRHK’s ‘Time to be Creative’ initiative, aimed at creating best practices for PR professionals’ work life balance.