Kalceks | Voices That Heal

Kalceks is the oldest pharmaceutical manufacturer in Latvia with historically low recognition as it is primarily a B2B company. The low recognition was not considered an issue until the upcoming 100-year anniversary celebration revealed that Kalceks employees feel “invisible” and demotivated because their (1) friends and family are unaware of the successes of the company they work for and (2) they feel like they lack a voice publicly. The company wanted to be “heard” in Latvia and 60 partner-countries worldwide.

We gave them the one thing they wanted for the company’s birthday—a voice to be heard and an employer to be proud of.

A unique campaign “Voices That Heal” with history-based facts, video-launch of company’s history book, memories of ex-colleagues in social media together with an orchestral-choral piece, a museum-worthy physical exhibition and mass media stories raised awareness and made Kalceks team extremely proud.

A viral success, Facebook engagement increased by 64%, the exhibition was seen by more than 100,000 people, the symphonic poem reached more than 200,000 listeners and the campaign gained nearly 1.4 million impressions in various media overall.